For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.
Robert Louis Stevenson
I love coffee. Every evening as soon as my head hits the pillow I already start dreaming and anticipating my morning coffee ritual. The aroma, the taste, the euphoria.
I love to hike. I am so fortunate to live in Los Angeles where there are no shortages of hikes and trails and mountains.
I love to walk. Especially during my travels. I can put in 12 hours of walking a day and never tire.
I love bookstores. The older the shop the better. OMG the smell, the endless rows of books, the never-ending perusing opportunities!
Give me a cup of coffee, drop me off at Vromans bookstore and leave me to be for 4 hours. I will be a happy camper!
I love food. I love to bake. I love to cook. I love to eat. I love to entertain. I just love it all! Food coupled with Travel is nothing short of magic.
I love yoga.
I love my family
I love my Goldendoodle.
I love my small intimate circle of friends.
I don’t spend money on “stuff” (aside from books and candles and jams)
I exclusively spend on food, travel, and gifts for others. That’s what makes me truly happy.
When I plan my trips my husband always comments “we can’t spend all of our money on travel” and my response always is “Why not?”
I will spend my last dollar on travel. The return I get from the countless funds I have spent on travel is tenfold! The memories live on forever.
Anytime I need an instant pick me up….I channel and tap into one of my previous trips and it always puts a smile on my face.
My two boys have never known a life without travel. My hope is to instill in them the love of experiences rather than material things.
That’s it. In a nutshell. My motto for life is to live every single day to it’s fullest. And to do what you love.
Manifest the life you want by always concentrating on the things that make you happy rather than the things that make you sad.
And I promise you…the life you want will snowball into existence.